Proposal at the Cliffs of Moher - Ireland

The wild cliffs of Ireland, the Atlantic breeze in your hair, and the nervous energy you feel knowing you’re about to propose to your partner - all unfolding against the stunning backdrop of the Cliffs of Moher. We recently had the joy of being part of Clay & Elise’s surprise international proposal, and we're here to spill the details on this unforgettable adventure.

If there's one place in Ireland that will immediately take your breath away, it's the Cliffs of Moher. The sheer beauty of these cliffs, the crashing waves, and the endless horizon create an enchanting setting that's pure magic. It's no wonder we keep coming back for more.

Planning a proposal is an art in itself, and when it involves an international surprise, the stakes are even higher. Clay invited us to help him plan the perfect moment, ensuring Elise had no inkling that we were also in Europe. We stayed off of social media while we were there, and we were SO nervous that Elise was going to recognize us before Clay could pop the questions.

Photographing a proposal is like capturing lightning in a bottle—quick, electrifying, and scary as hell! It’s a unique challenge that requires a delicate balance of anticipation and discretion. We wanted to capture the genuine emotions of the moment while blending seamlessly into the surroundings. But we literally couldn’t have asked for a better backdrop than the Cliffs!

Clay got down on one knee, and we clicked away at our cameras. Elise was so happy, and it was so special to see all the strangers around us as happy for them as we were. After she said yes, Clay turned around and pointed to Mark and I, and Elise literally fell on the floor when she realized we were in Ireland with them! It was hands down one of my favorite moments I’ve ever had doing this job, and I will never forget it.

Post-proposal, we chased the sunset along the cliffs, snapping pics, hanging out, and just taking in the sights. The Cliffs of Moher, with their ever-changing colors, provided the perfect place for a cute little post-engagement shoot to celebrate. The epicness of the Cliffs matched how we all felt inside, after coming off the nervous high from the proposal, and the excitement to all be together so far away from home.

Ireland truly has this magnetic pull that I see in every frame we captured. The lush greens, the friendly vibes, and the touch of history are everywhere you look, and I felt like I was in a different world. As cheesy as it sounds, every time we shoot in Ireland, it feels like telling a love story with a touch of magic.

The thrill of being part of their surprise proposal, set against the untamed beauty of the Cliffs of Moher, is a memory we'll carry forever. Ireland, with its rolling hills and endless charm, continues to inspire our lens, and the Cliffs of Moher are a living testament to love's enduring magic.


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